Helping young people into work
Helping young people into work – support available, real life stories, information for employers and other supporting documents.
If you’re an employer looking for ways to help young people into work, find out what help is available for employers.
Young people
If you’re 18 to 24 years old and out of work, help and support is available from many different places.
A good place to start is your local Jobcentre Plus. A work coach can give you information about programmes to help you prepare for, find and stay in work. You can also get help with moving from benefits to work.
You can search for job vacancies online, talk to local recruitment agencies or even try contacting employers direct.
Find out how to create a CV on the National Careers Service website and see 11 steps to a great job interview on BuzzFeed.
If you’re looking for advice about careers or other options, then your local Jobcentre can put you in touch with a careers adviser. You can also visit the National Careers Service website.
Social media can be a great way to keep in touch with vacancies or other support - follow your local Jobcentre on Twitter, or follow employers that you’d like to work for. You can also use hashtags to see what’s being shared on Twitter, such as #jobs, #vacancies or #careers.
You can search #getbritainworking for latest news from DWP.
Read how some employers, a minister, a dragon and an inspirational footballer came together to talk to young jobseekers. Check our #talkingyouth Storify feed.
Get experience
Want to gain experience, pick up new skills and make your CV stand out from the crowd? Improve your chances of finding work, through work experience, volunteering and work trials. Watch our work experience video to find out more.
Sector-based work academies combine training, work experience and a guaranteed interview for a job. Each academy focuses on a specific type of job, such as hospitality or construction. Watch our video to see how an academy works.
An apprenticeship combines on the job training with studying. You gain valuable skills and experience and earn a salary at the same time. Find out more about apprenticeships and how to sign up.
Start your own business
If you have a great business idea, and you’re unemployed, then you can get help to start your own business through the New Enterprise Allowance. This offers advice from a business mentor and financial support to get you started.
Watch our starting your own business video, or talk to a work coach at your local Jobcentre.
Wage incentives
The Wage Incentive was withdrawn 6 August 2014. Work experience, sector-based work academies, work trials and Apprenticeships are all still available. Extra funding is being allocated for a range of initiatives that will be available over the next few months to further support young people in finding work. More details to follow.
Real life stories
If you’ve started a new job then why not share your #firstday with the world - post a photo or some thoughts online. Check the most recent #firstday messages on Twitter.
For employers
Are you an employer and want to find out more about taking on a young person?
Recruiting? Get trained staff through a sector-based work academy
See how an academy works on You Tube.
see how an academy works on You Tube
How to watch this YouTube video There's a YouTube video on this page. You can't access it because of your cookie settings. You can change your cookie settings or watch the video on YouTube instead: see how an academy works on You Tube
Offer work experience to a young person and your business could benefit
Find out more about offering work experience on You Tube.
find out more about offering work experience on You Tube
How to watch this YouTube video There's a YouTube video on this page. You can't access it because of your cookie settings. You can change your cookie settings or watch the video on YouTube instead: find out more about offering work experience on You Tube
Find out about other government support for small businesses and read about those who have already benefited from it at the Business is GREAT Britain website.
Further information
The government is tackling youth unemployment with support from a range of employers, trade bodies, stakeholders and other partners. This includes CBI Action for Jobs.